
Bar Exam Tutoring – 5 Hour Package -

5 hour bar exam tutoring package with a Marino Bar Review certified bar exam tutor. Regardless of the bar review course you are using to study for the bar exam, a Marino bar tutor will ensure that you stay on schedule and maximize your chances of passing the bar exam.

Date: Online

Original price was: $1,400.Current price is: $1,375.

Original price was: $1,400.Current price is: $1,375.

Every Student Can Benefit From a Marino Certified Bar Exam Tutor

A tutor can ensure your bar review experience is both efficient and effective. Our tutors have experience with all bar review courses and will tailor your sessions to follow along with your course. Whether you want to work on a specific section of the exam (MBE, essays, or MPT) or are simply looking for a tutor to help guide your studying and keep you on track, a Marino Bar Exam Tutor can help.

Students rarely fail the bar exam because they do not know enough law; they fail because they do not know what to do with the law they know. Rather than simply take a free “do over” bar review course from your old bar course, hire a tutor who can help you maximize your abilities and pass the next time around. Click here to learn more about our bar exam retaker options.

If you are having trouble with a particular section of the exam, our tutors can teach you strategies, tricks, and methods for improving your score. We have created specialized tutoring packages to help with each area of the bar exam. During your time with your tutor you will learn Professor Marino’s proprietary methods for conquering the bar exam and your tutor will make sure that you get the personal feedback you require to ensure your score goes up!

Some of our students hired a tutor to help them with tricky subjects like civil procedure or evidence. Most Marino Bar Exam Tutors are current or former professors who teach a variety of subjects. Emily Grufferman Marino will help match you to a tutor who specializes in whatever area of law you need assistance with. They can even teach you what the rule against perpetuities is!

Our tutors can help you manage and keep up with your bar review schedule. Most bar review courses will give you a schedule that seems impossible to follow; falling behind can feel overwhelming. If at any time during your bar review course you feel overwhelmed or behind, our tutors will help you get back on track. All Marino Bar Exam Tutors are exposed to each bar review course and their schedules. This way they can be sure to keep you on track and give you the advice you need so you no longer have to struggle to keep up.

Students tend to pass the bar exam in the same order as their class rank at graduation. A bar course alone cannot relatively improve your chances of passing. If you are ranked in the lower part of your law school class, the National Conference of Bar Examiners recommends that you do more to prepare for the bar exam than simply taking a standard course. Our tutors will work with your study habits and academic achievements to increase your chances of success.