New Limits Placed on NY Bar Exam Retakers

New York bar exam takers just received the following news –

“Pursuant to Section 6000.4(c) of the Rules of the State Board of Law Examiners, effective December 1, 2024, applicants with four (4) or more unsuccessful attempts on the New York Bar Examination may file an application for re-examination ONLY for the February administration of the bar examination.

This new policy was necessary to address the increasing number of applicants for the July administration of the bar examination, which is impacting the Board’s ability to procure a sufficient number of seats at its test sites. The new policy will permit the Board to better manage its existing resources (i.e., test sites, equipment, proctors, etc.). The Board also hopes that this policy will encourage repeater applicants to utilize the additional time between examination attempts to better prepare for future attempts at the bar examination.
Applicants with four or more unsuccessful attempts on the New York Bar Examination are not precluded from taking the bar examination in another UBE jurisdiction in July, and if they achieve a passing score, transferring that score to New York.”
The news suggests that many exam takers in this situation may now have to travel to either New Jersey or Connecticut, the two closest UBE states, to take the bar exam and then have their scores transferred back to New York, but it also may create major inconveniences for many of these law graduates.
Most states have now released the results from the July 2024 Bar Exam. If you unfortunately were unsuccessful, Marino Legal will give you a completely free score evaluation from our bar exam experts to show you what went wrong and exactly what you need to do to pass on the next try. We at Marino are dedicated to helping retaker students pass and urge you to contact us right away, as the sooner we speak, the sooner we can help you set up a game plan for success on the upcoming exam. Just submit your score report to here or email us at